Cut it loose.

    During the lowest part of my quarter-life crisis, around November 2016, I had an epiphany that I needed to start burning bridges. Which bridges? you might ask. Well, the bridges between me & several people.

    2016 taught me that I’m responsible with my own happiness. Nobody else has the duty to make me happy; it’s only me. So I made a list of things that made me unhappy & surprisingly, certain names appeared on my list.

    Then I realised that it was finally time to burn bridges. And I guess that’s perfectly okay. It’s okay to severe the tie with the people who no longer contribute to your growth. If those people can think that they’re allowed to bring you down, well you’re allowed to free yourself from them. It may not be easy, but it’s necessary.

    2017 will be the year of meaningful & positive relationships.

    1 January 2017

    Hello world… sort of.

    Posted in Blogging by

    Semalem aku nemu postingan di Instagram tentang challenge ngeblog di Instagram tiap hari selama 30 hari di bulan Januari nanti.


    Di Instagram.

    Like, why?

    Tapi kemudian aku mikir-mikir lagi & ngebandingin antara akun Instagram-ku (@darlaoct) dengan blog yang udah aku urus sejak 2009 (, mana yang lebih rajin di-update? Unsurprisingly: Instagram.

    Instagram itu praktis, tinggal snap, tulis caption, lalu upload. Semua bisa dilakukan dalam satu genggaman.

    Bandingin sama blog (Blogger, lebih tepatnya) yang kudu dibuka di laptop. Mau masukin foto kudu impor dulu dari kamera/HP. Ribet. Aku dulu rajin ngeblog; dalam sehari bisa sampe 3x posting (jaman alay lol ?). Sekarang mah the thought of turning on the laptop aja udah bikin bergidik. Malesss…

    Tapi aku masih gak nyaman nulis caption Instagram panjang-panjang, let alone baca punya orang.

    Jadi dalam waktu yang sangat singkat, suami SIAGA (siap antar jaga) langsung nge-setup, blogku yang baru, yang pake self-hosted WordPress (entahlah apa ini aku juga gak begitu paham haha). Pake WordPress ini rada enakan lah… Mobile app-nya sangat friendly, berasa pake app-nya Tumblr.

    Jadi, “Hello world!” Aku bikin blog lagi. Dan dalam rangka grand launching ini (?), aku mau ikutan challenge 30 hari menulis itu. Tapi di blog ini, tentunya.

    Selamat membaca! ?

    31 December 2016

    Thank You, 2016. And Good Bye!

    Posted in EN, Life, this blog by

    Lunch at Magic Wok, Jalan Kesatriaan Bandung | Hola Darla
    We all agree that 2016 has been very hard for most of us, but I’m not gonna lie; 2016 has plenty wonderful things too.

    It’s the year I met Chop-Chop. It’s the year I went through my quarter life crisis. It’s the year of good movies. It’s the year that my blog grows in terms of sponsorship.

    It’s been a challenging year, but surely God knows what we are worth and how strong we are, and look at us now! We’re alive. We’re breathing. And that’s the most important thing to be grateful for.

    I’ve made several plans for 2017, but mostly I’ll leave it up to fate. Wherever 2017 will take me, I’m ready to adjust my sail. If 2016 has taught me a thing, it’s to not force anything.

    Have a nice holiday & a happy new year!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    25 December 2016

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Movie Review

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | Hola Darla

    Rogue One hasn’t even been in the cinema for one week and yet I have seen it twice. TWICE! That’s how obsessed I am. That’s how awesome it is. That’s how wonderful it is to be alive in this era; an era in which we get one Star Wars movie each year.

    That’s why no matter how I try, I don’t think this post will be spoiler-free. I’M STILL TOO EXCITED!

    As I said in the previous post, I knew next to nothing about Rogue One before watching it on its premier date. Turns out, it wasn’t a big deal at all. When I went to watch it for the second time, I brought along my little sister who hasn’t watched any Star Wars movie. She asked a few questions during the movie, but overall the story is very easy to follow.

    Rogue One was based on that one line in the crawl at the opening of A New Hope. It tells a story about how the Rebellions get a hold on the Death Star plans. It also explains why Death Star has a ridiculous flaw in its design. One of the scientists who help to build the Death Star is Galen Erso. At the beginning of the movie, he was living in hiding with his family, but he was caught. His wife was killed and his young daughter escaped. He surrendered then agreed to work on the Death Star. He intentionally put that flaw as a revenge. When the Death Star is almost finished, he sends a message to Saw Gerrera and his daughter, Jyn Erso, telling them about the flaw. She then sets off on a mission to steal the plan from the Empire’s data bank (or sort of; I forget the name lol). They successfully get the plan and transmit it to the Rebellions before they… *SPOILER!!!!* are blown up by the Death Star, along with the whole planet. The movie ends with Darth Vader chases after the rebels who retrieve the plans then hand them to (young!) Princess Leia; just a few minutes before the opening scene of A New Hope. (I’m not gonna talk about how I squealed like a little girl when I saw young Princess Leia.)

    Saying this movie is amazing is perhaps a great understatement. Because it’s beyond amazing. I’m mesmerised by how modern technology can make this movie possible, what with Tarkin and Leia, while also maintain silly low-tech things that we can see in the original trilogy, e.g. wired headphones. I also love how they kill everyone while also give each death a meaning. They all die for a better future. That last scene on the beach when Jyn and Cassian hug is so beautifully wrecking. We can see how deep their love for each other is; they just met, then they decided to trust & fight alongside each other.

    Rogue One is 100% heartbreaking, yet you’ll love it. You will absolutely love it.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    19 December 2016

    Things To Look Forward To For The Rest Of The Year

    Posted in EN, movies, television by

    Things to Look Forward to for the Rest of the Year | Hola Darla
    Ha! See what I did there with the title? “… For The Rest Of The Year” as if 2016 still had months to go. Well, knock on wood because 2016 has been a wild ride and it feels like the worst, longest year ever, both to the whole world and to me personally. I’m both eager and afraid of what 2017 will become. Part of me wants to be optimistic that 2017 will be a fresh, new start–a chance to correct all the mistakes I made in 2016; the other part of me keeps saying that 2017 is just literally one day after 2016 and I’m sure one whole year of mistakes won’t just change in one day.

    However, December has a lot of good things to offer, apparently. There’s still a chance that 2016 won’t end badly. Perhaps it’ll end with a blast? I don’t know about you, but here are things that I look forward to for the rest of 2016.


    Sing Movie Still | Hola Darla
    Sing is an animated movie from the same production house from which Despicable Me and Minions came. It’s a fable of a singing competition. I still haven’t known more information about the storyline, but it has become on my list since the first time I saw the teaser trailer a few months ago.

    Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name)

    Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name) by AssassinWarrior on Deviant Art
    Have you heard about this Japanese animated movie? It has been released for quite some time now, but was just released yesterday in my country. It has been praised by critics and certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, and it was also reported to have beaten Moana in the box office. The story is about two high school students who are strangers to each other but suddenly switch places. They have to find a way to adjust to the situation because the switch happens randomly.

    Sense8 Christmas Special

    Lito and Hernando from Sense8 Christmas Special | Hola Darla
    After waiting for more than a year, Sense 8 will finally come back on Netflix this month with a Christmas special on December 23. Read more about Sense8 here.

    Rogue One

    Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | Hola Darla
    We get a Star Wars movie every year. What a time to be alive, huh? Just like any other movies/series in this post, I hardly have a clue about Rogue One other than it’s about rebellion towards the empire. Fantastic Beasts has opened up my eyes about how refreshing it is to watch a movie with little to zero knowledge about the story. Thus I’ve drawn myself from researching before seeing Rogue One. Hahaha!

    Sherlock Series 4

    Sherlock Series 4 | Hola Darla
    I know, I know. Sherlock will technically come back on the New Year’s Day, but like I said above, it’s just one day after December 31 :p

    How about you? Do you have anything to add to my list?

    First image originally from here. Other images from 1/2/3/4/5.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    8 December 2016