Likes & Dislikes: The Girl On The Train

    The Girl On The Train Review
    I had heard good things about The Girl On The Train but I was never really interested to read it. But when Amber told me how she finished this book in less than 24 hours, my spidey sense was tingling. So I downloaded the digital version and started reading. It took me about 3 days to finish it (I’m not a fast reader, except for when it comes to Dan Brown’s books). Many reviews call it “the ‘Gone Girl’ of this year”, but since I haven’t read Gone Girl (what can I say? I’m not really into grown up novels) and only watched the film, I don’t think they’re comparable. But that’s just me.


    The story itself is about a woman, Rachel, who takes the same train everyday, in the morning and in the evening. She becomes familiar with a couple who lives near the railway; she even gives them name inside her head. One day, the woman who lives in that house goes missing for days and on the day she was last seen, Rachel saw something that might be an important clue about the woman’s whereabouts. So Rachel goes to the police. But turns out Rachel is not a reliable witness. She is an alcoholic who constantly blacks out and has no memory of hours in her life. She also used to live a few doors next to the missing woman, where her ex-husband lives with his new wife and their little daughter. And turns out that the truth is so much close to Rachel’s life.


    • As a commuter myself, I enjoy Rachel’s description of the train and her everyday journey.
    • The whole idea of getting used to seeing a couple of strangers’ life is intriguing. I also like looking at people around me in public places and wondering what they’re going through (does it make me a creep?)
    • It’s a page turner. It makes me want to read more.
    • I have a personal experience regarding cheating and secret lover and such, so I enjoy reading the whole story between Rachel, her ex-husband, and his new wife. I understand their relationship; something I might not do if I didn’t have the experience.

    • I don’t really like Rachel. It’s frustating to see her keep coming back to drinking. I have no sympathy for her at all for that reason.
    • Rachel is too creepy. I understand the detectives’ suspicion towards her. She is a stranger to the missing woman and her husband, but she knows so much. She knows too much. She even has the guts to go directly to the missing woman’s husband. Gees…
    • Helpless people. Helpless people everywhere.
    • It’s too slow paced for me.
    • About third quarter to the story, it becomes easy to guess the ending. The thrill and suspense that has been built since the beginning goes away just like that.

    I’d give The Girl On The Train 2 out of 5 stars for those factors. I only enjoy several parts of the story, but the whole book is not really my thing.

    Have you read this book? What do you think about it?

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    27 May 2015

    Weekend Links

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    Man, living with no internet connection is like living under a rock inside a cave. I’m not actually a person with FOMO, but let’s be honest here, I can go a day or two without checking my Twitter or Instagram, but one week is too much. I have yet to solve this issue but I’m still trying. Bear with me!

    But I’ve still managed to collect a few links. Enjoy!

    • Flying or invisibility? Kristin’s post has made me wonder. I’d take flying, though. How about you?
    • Cat ladies, assemble! These tips on how to get better photos of your kitties needs to be bookmarked, like, right now.
    • I’m not intending to make my blog go full commercial as for now, but I’ve been saving useful tips like this one about writing sponsored content. Just in case, you know… (Hey, brands! Hi!)
    • Speaking of sponsored content, my childhood hero, Hilary Duff, released a new music video for her single, Sparks. It’s been criticised and dubbed as a big commercial for Tinder. I honestly like the song and I cringed at the video. What do you think?
    • Ramadhan is closing in (less than a month!) and so is the Eid. I like shopping but I’m not a fan of Eid shopping because everybody seems to do it at the same time and so it’s crowded and hot. I’m going Eid shopping from home this year. You know, just sitting in front of the computer and choosing pretty (+modest) dresses from Zalora. Oh the joy of living in the digital era! (See? Internet connection is my basic need!)

    I haven’t been in your blogs for a while, so let me know what you’ve been up to this week! Did you have fun?

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    24 May 2015

    The Struggle of a Modern Human Being

    Posted in internet, Thoughts by

    Modern human basic needs
    My friend jokingly said that basic human needs had shifted from “food, shelter, and clothing” to “food, clothing, and internet”. “Even homeless people have smartphones,” she said. While I will never ever say that having a smartphone is more important than having a place to stay, I agree with her to some extent. I’ve been having some trouble with my house’s internet connection lately and it’s not good at all. I need internet 🙁

    I sponsored Sara’s blog last month and it has given me tons of traffic (blessed you, Sara!) so it’s not really a good time to be MIA, no? Right now I’m writing this post at my parents’ house. They installed a wifi connection just a month ago and it’s been a connection heaven for me. If only I lived closer. Haha!

    So… yeah. I’m just stopping by to tell my new readers that 1) yes, I’m still alive!; 2) I’m fixing this internet problem, so hopefully soon I’ll get back to regular blogging; and 3) I really miss catching up with my favourite bloggers. Okay, maybe I’ll just stop whining here right now.

    See you soon!

    Pic from.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    22 May 2015

    Weekend Links

    Posted in weekend links by

    I’m closing this week with a good news: I got a job! I had the interview and microteaching test yesterday and I got the part time teaching job. I’m starting next Wednesday and I can hardly wait! I’ll tell you all about it in a couple days 😉

    And links!

    Have fun this weekend!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    16 May 2015

    Thoughts on Season Finale: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    WARNING: This post may contain major spoilers.

    So it’s finally here. The season finales of the series I watch are coming. This week is that of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and holy birds was this a good finale! As the previous episode has hinted, this finale tells about the war between the Inhumans led by Jiaying and SHIELD, though I’m not sure if it’s okay to call it a ‘war’ since it looks pretty much just like a small fight but with so many deaths.

    All through the season, I wasn’t sure what to feel about Jiaying. While I was pretty sure that the Inhumans meant no harm at all, I couldn’t decide whether Jiaying was a friend or foe. The previous episode proved the latter when Jiaying killed Gonzales with a Terrigen crystal and then shot herself to make it look like Gonzales tried to kill her. The Inhumans believed her, even Skye at first. But thank God she can see her mother’s true colour when Jiaying is murdering Raina (Yes, folks. The Flower Girl is dead.)

    Jiaying and the Inhumans then attack SHIELD’s ship while Coulson and Co. are busy dealing with Cal’s crazy prower. Here’s the funny part: Coulson gave Cal a pep talk and after all those episodes of Cal hating Coulson, Cal finally teams up with Coulson for the sake of Skye/Daisy’s safety.

    Meanwhile, Ward and Agent 33 have captured and are now torturing Bobbi so that Agent 33 can have some “closure”. Now, there are romances that make you go “Aww…” and there are the ones that make you want to vomit. Ward and Kara’s relationship is the latter and I must say that I’m glad to see Kara dies in the hands of her own boyfriend. Props to Agent May for coming up with that plan! A few episodes ago, I thought that the team should have forgiven Ward and let him back, but turns out the team was right not to trust him again. He’s such a dick.

    Back in the ship, Cal is confronting his wife to try and stop her from executing her plans. Coulson, Mack, and Fitz are trying to stop Gordon from teleporting the Terrigen crystals inside a box. Fitz gets to say the “Science, biatch!” and eventually kills Gordon, but in his last moments Gordon still tries to kill every non-Inhumans on board by dropping a Terrigen crystal. Coulson drops and catches it with his left hand which quickly turns into stone(?). Mack has to go to the rescue and quickly chop Coulson’s arm off. Literally, you guys! And then Coulson screams.

    Outside, Skye is trying to stop her mother but Jiaying insists on carrying on with her plans. She tries to absorb her own daughter’s soul and when Skye tries to stop her with her quake power, Cal comes and kills Jiaying instead, saving Skye from the horror of killing her own mother. Poor Cal. I’ve always liked him but I love him now.

    The conclusion: Coulson now only has one hand. Skye will go find other Inhumans. May is going on a vacation. Bobbi and Hunter may leave SHIELD. Ward is heartbroken (turns out he really loved Kara) and now tries to rebuild HYDRA. Mack is staying. Cal was put into TAHITI program and now lives as a vet and has no memory of Daisy. Fitz finally asks Simmons out and she says yes!!! But then she is dragged into the alien’s substance and we don’t know what happens to her yet.

    I like how the finale actually concludes the whole season. It serves well both as the second season conclusion and the third season premises. While I must say that I don’t want Raina gone, looks like she really is gone because the actress gets a bigger role in another show. Also, I hope Lincoln will be a regular next season. I need more cute guys in the show (aside Coulson). I can’t wait for season three!

    All images are from this site.

    PS. My giveaway on Sara’s blog is ending in TWO HOURS!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    15 May 2015