13 Months Planner from Etsy

    Posted in EN, Etsy, Life by

    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    It wasn’t until July when the long holiday was over and I got to get back to work that I realised I needed a planner. It was too late for me to buy one at the bookstore, because they only have the January to December ones. It would be just a waste of money, buying a whole year planner that can only be used for five months. So naturally, I looked up cute planners online. I fell in love with this Ban.do planner and this Erin Condren’s LifePlanner, but when I checked out the shipping fee for both of the planners to my address… well, let’s just say it made me want to pack up my bags and move to Canada. Because seriously, why is the shipping fee more expensive than the items I want to buy? It’s so unfair *cry in the corner of my room*

    And then, I browsed Etsy and found several fancy looking printable planners for less than $20! I found several designs that I liked, and based on several consideration, I chose 2015-2016 Daily Planner from The Nifty Studio ($14). I love the colourful design. It’s also super simple and doesn’t have too many pages. It really suits my needs.

    For the cover, I wanted something personalised. I found several Etsy shops which offered personalised planner cover, but I chose this one from Clean Life and Home ($3,75). As you can see, the polka dot design looks quite similar with the Erin Condren’s planner that I originally wanted, but not identical. So I guess it’s a win-win for me. Yay!

    I had it printed and bound in a local printing company, Angkasa Putra. It only costed about IDR200k (about $14,75). So the total cost is $32,5. It’s way cheaper than buying from Ban.do or Erin Condren (plus the shipping fee. God!)

    Here are some pages from my planner:
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    13 Months Planner from Etsy | Hola Darla
    I really like how it turns out! It’s very unique and very “me”. I’m 99% sure there is nobody else with the exact same planner like this one. Haha 😉

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    6 August 2015

    Weekend Links

    Posted in EN, weekend links by

    Happy Sunday, friends! After weeks of drought, it finally rained last night. My plants are all happy and this morning the cold wind was blowing. While I know the dry season is still here until November (or so the weatherman said), the rain last night brought so much joy. It was much needed; a proof that small happiness matters.

    Right. Now links!

    Tomorrow is Monday again! I wish you a productive, yet fun, week 😉

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    2 August 2015

    Dinner in Donwoori

    Posted in eating, EN, girl friends, weekend by

    Donwoori Jalan Lombok Bandung | Hola Darla
    All things Korea have been popular quite a while now in my country. I remember all the hypes were started when I was in junior high. One of my best friends introduced us to Super Junior, a Korean boyband. Since then, everyone seems to be infected by this Korea fever, except me. I can even say that I hateeeeeeeee this trend. I can’t stand K-Pop and K-dramas. To me, all those Korean celebrities look like the same person. I really can’t wait for this trend to end already and being replaced by the comeback of Bollywood or telenovela trends (Thalia, anyone?)

    Besides the rise of fame of K-Pop and K-dramas, K-food becomes popular too. Many Korean food restaurants start their business in the past years. And because of my hatred towards K-whatever, I’m not interested in trying any. However, I finally give Korean food a go when my girls met up for dinner in Donwoori last night.
    Donwoori Jalan Lombok Bandung | Hola Darla
    Donwoori is a suki and Korean food restaurant located in 53 Lombok St., Bandung. The menu consists of all the popular Korean food like (bear with me, I don’t really know how to correctly spell them) Topokki, Bibimbap, Kimchi, Ramyun, and the likes. We ordered one plate of Topokki, which was enough for the four of us because the portion was quite large. Surprisingly (to me. Haha!), it tasted good! Not really unique because it tasted similar to a local dish called ‘seblak’, but still good. I may buy it again someday. May. Haha!
    Donwoori Jalan Lombok Bandung | Hola Darla
    Donwoori Jalan Lombok Bandung | Hola Darla
    We also had Suki with Tom Yam and chicken broth sauce. The Tom Yam sauce was super yummy, while the chicken broth was so so. If you ever come to Donwoori, I suggest you try the Tom Yam sauce because it’s the best Tom Yam sauce I’ve ever had so far. No kidding.

    The place was quite packed as it was Friday night, but it was cosy. The waiters and waitresses were very nice and we didn’t have to wait for too long for our order to come. The food and drinks were a bit pricy but still affordable. I’ll definitely come back, specifically for the Tom Yam sauce! 😉
    Donwoori Jalan Lombok Bandung | Hola Darla
    Donwoori Jalan Lombok Bandung | Hola Darla

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    1 August 2015

    Likes & Dislikes: Ant-Man

    Likes & Dislikes: Ant-Man | Hola Darla
    For the very first time in years, I didn’t watch Marvel movie on its first showing day. Ant-Man was released one day before the Eid. There was no way for me to go to movie on Eid eve, so I had to skip the premiere. It was such a bummer, given the fact that I had a straight record of seeing the premiere. Haha!

    Ant-Man tells the story of Hank Pym, who invented a substance called Pym Particle which can shrink human into an ant-like tiny form. He shut down his own research because he saw that his invention could potentially create chaos in the world. However, he needs to use the particle again when his protegee, a young scientist named Cross, gets closer to finding hiw own shrinking substance. Hank is already too old to become Ant-Man, so he chooses Scott Lang, a criminal freshly out of prison for burglary. The two men along with Hank’s daughter create a plan to steal Cross’ invention to stop it being exploited by Hydra.


    + It’s refreshing to see smaller (both literally and figuratively) Marvel movie. After seeing London and Sokovia being destroyed in previous MCU movies, seeing Ant-Man saving the world by fighting Cross on top of Thomas the Tank Engine is super entertaining. Ant-Man is a proof that superhero movies can be fun and don’t always need to be depressing (remember Age of Ultron?)
    + I love the father-daughter relationship in this movie. Not only the relationship between Scott and his daughter, Cassie, but also the one between Cassie and her mother’s fiance, Paxton.
    + I know both Hank and Scott are good looking as hell, but my all-time favourite character is Luis! His best scenes are the Dubsmash-like ones. Haha!
    + I also love the part where Falcon shows as a cameo. “It is really important to me that Cap never finds out about this.” Hilarious!
    + But my version of the best scene is of course the one when Siri plays Disintegration by The Cure. Classic yet techie joke.


    – It’s less funny than any other installment in MCU. It’s even less funny than The Amazing Spider-Man.
    – I don’t really know Paul Rudd. I didn’t even know the name Paul Rudd before Ant-Man. And I think his acting is flawed. There are several lines which should have been funny but came out just wrong, IMO.

    That being said, I’m glad Ant-Man will be joining the Avengers in the next movies. But I’m also sad because Ant-Man marks the end of MCU Phase 2 and the Phase 3 won’t start until next year. That’s okay though, we will have Mockingjay Part 2 later this year 😉

    Image via.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    27 July 2015

    Eid Mubarak! (+ A Little Bit of Life Lately)

    Posted in eid, EN, Jess, Life by

    Eid Mubarak from Dara and Afief | Hola Darla
    Eid mubarak, friends! Sorry I took a long break without a precaution. I’m really bad at managing my online and real life. Turned out Ramadan this year was more exhausting that I thought it would be; with me having to cook for sahur early in the morning, it felt like the day was way shorter than 24 hours. I felt so burned out, especially when Eid was coming closer and Eid shopping had to start. It was all so crazy!
    Celebrating Eid with Afief's family in Pesawaran and Pringsewu | Hola Darla
    I still think it’s funny that both Afief and I call Lampung our hometown. He was born and raised in the border region between Pesawaran and Pringsewu, while I go to North Lampung every year for Eid because my Granny lives there. I always imagined going ‘mudik’ (=back to one’s hometown for the holiday) to my (then future) husband’s hometown somewhere in eastern Java and no longer going mudik to Lampung. But no; I still went to Lampung for Eid this year. And I’m going to Lampung for all the Eids to come. It’s amazing. Haha!
    Miss Jess during the road trip to Lampung | Hola Darla
    Also, we took Miss Jess to her very first car ride which was really a long road trip. She didn’t see that coming and became kinda stressed during the trip. But as soon as she arrived in Negararatu, she found her freedom in the form of trees. She climbed trees, the roof of Granny’s house, and all the furniture inside the house. She had so much fun.
    Miss Jess found some freedom during her stay in Negararatu | Hola Darla
    That poor thing wanted to chew on the birds, but the humans wouldn’t let her. She was seriously mad.

    We stayed in Lampung for 10 days and went back to Bandung last Wednesday. It was the longest holiday I have ever had (or so I think), since we usually stay for only about 7 days. We didn’t do much but it was fun anyway.

    Do you celebrate Eid? How was your Eid this year?

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    24 July 2015