
    Posted in EN, Life by

    As of lately, I’ve been . . . .

    Launching Menaq | Hola Darla
    . . . . launching Menaq. My headscarves label has finally been launched in early January! You can see the catalogue on our Instagram and Facebook Page, or you can add our Line@ account 🙂

    Going Swimming with Husband | Hola Darla
    . . . . going swimming.

    Going Swimming with Mata Ilmu's Managerial Staff | Hola Darla
    . . . . going for more swimming.

    Trying to Master Makeup | Hola Darla
    . . . . trying to master the art of makeup. And failing miserably. I mean, look at those eyebrows! *sigh*

    Sniffing Books | Hola Darla
    . . . . sniffing books. Best smell in the world! If there were book-smell perfume, I’d totally wear it.

    Taking Care of Two Cats | Hola Darla
    . . . . taking care of TWO cats. Yes, Jessi got an adopted little brother! I found a stray kitten about ten days ago. It was dark and raining and this little fella was crying. I didn’t have the heart to leave him like that so I took him home. I’ll write more about him later this week. More about him here.

    Working in Terminal Coffee | Hola Darla
    . . . . working. I took over the position of finance manager at Mata Ilmu, so I’ve been super busy with the sheets.

    However busy I’ve been, I still don’t think that January went away like a blink of an eye. In all honesty, I think the exact opposite: January felt like 300 days! The new year felt like a hundred years ago haha… But 2016 has been really kind to me. I hope the rest of the year will be too.

    Oh and have a nice February, friends! 😉

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    1 February 2016


    Posted in #letsDOthis2016, EN, Life, personal by

    #letsDOthis2016 Resolutions | Hola Darla
    This year, I’m not making any resolutions. Instead, I chose one word for the whole year. My word of the year is:


    So I’m starting 2016 by challenging myself to DO. Not try, but do. I want to exercise regularly, so I’ll do it. I want to learn to dress better, so I’ll do it. I want to open an online shop, so I’ll do it.

    I’ll do it. This year.

    So #letsDOthis2016!

    What is (are) your resolution(s)?

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    12 January 2016

    My Harbolnas Wishlist*

    Posted in EN, Harbolnas, online shopping by
    This post is brought to you by Zalora

    Hi, friends! Did you know that December 12 (1212) is Harbolnas or Hari Belanja Online Nasional (National Online Shopping Day)? Yes, it’s a thing, in case you’ve just heard about it. Online shopping has grown crazily fast these past years that we have a special day dedicated for it now. Various online shops are offering crazy year-end sales on 1212 for up to 90% off!

    My favourite online shop, Zalora, will celebrate the day from as soon as December 10 which is tomorrow! Zalora has a lot of branded fashion items, both local and international. This is your chance to get those branded shoes you’ve been eyeing for months. I’ve added several items to my wishlist so I can buy them all tomorrow. Here they are:

    Dresses and Parka from Zalora // My Harbolnas Wishlist | Hola Darla


    Bags and Lip Tint from Zalora // My Harbolnas Wishlist | Hola Darla


    Shoes from Zalora // My Harbolnas Wishlist | Hola Darla


    What about you? What are you going to buy on Zalora’s Harbolnas? 😉

    Harbolnas Zalora | Hola Darla

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    9 December 2015

    In The Heart Of The Sea

    Posted in EN, movies, reviews by

    In The Heart Of The Sea Movie Review | Hola Darla
    In The Heart Of The Sea hasn’t been released yet in the US, so I’ll try to avoid giving spoilers as much as I can (though I believe that most of you have already known the story as it’s a real event on which Moby Dick was based).

    In The Heart Of The Sea tells a based-upon-true-events story about the crew of the ill-fated whaling ship, Essex. Having found out that the sea where they usually go to hunt for whales is already fished out, Captain Pollard and his crew begin a dangerous journey to the Pacific Ocean to find more whales. However, their ship is wrecked by a gigantic sperm whale and they have to survive, adrift in the middle of the open sea with only three small boats and limited food supply.

    Honestly, I haven’t read Moby Dick (or any classic novels, really) and after discovering that this survival story was real, my mind was blown. I board a ferry ship every year to go to Lampung for Eid and I’ve been wondering “What if the ship sinks?” since I was a small kid. Watching this movie gave me the chill and goosebumps, but then I remember it’s only a narrow strait that I cross every year. There’s a very small chance that I would have to be stranded at sea, but the movie is still scary anyway.

    My fear set aside, there’s nothing much to say about In The Heart Of The Sea. It’s really nothing special, aside of a band of casts of handsome bearded dudes (Ben Wishaw!). This is that kind of movies you watch and forget. I’d give it two out of five stars.

    Image from.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    6 December 2015

    Murders and More Murders: 4 TV Shows I’m Currently Obsessed With

    Posted in EN, television by
    1. Motive

    Motive TV Series | Hola Darla
    I stumbled across this Canadian TV series while browsing through channels, trying to find CSI or Law and Order. Neither of them was showing, so I decided to give Motive a try. I instantly fell in love with how the story is delivered. In most of the episodes in general crime or detective series, we get to be detectives ourselves and guess who is the killer. Motive, on the other hand, tells us who is the killer and who is the victim right from the beginning of each episode. The story then tells us how the detectives put the clues together to find out who is the killer and what is their motive (hence the title) using a back-and-forth storyline. It’s a fresh twist for my thirst for crime/detective series. If you know me, you’d already know that I’m a sucker for murders, blood, and all other detective stuff (Agatha Christie basically ‘converted’ me when I was 12). I’ve always been a huge fan of CSI and Law and Order, but Motive has become #1 on my list.

    2. Sense8

    Sense8 | Hola Darla
    My husband introduced me to Sense8 when it was released, but I found that the pilot episode was not interesting. However, I then gave it another try a few weeks later and it turns out to be one of the best sci-fi TV series I’ve ever seen. The story is about 8 people (‘sensates’) who have some sort of connections with each other. They can feel, see, taste, and basically sense everything that the others sense. The pilot introduces all those 8 characters and that was the cause of my initial confusion-turned-to-boredom, but starting from episode 2 we get to see deeper stories about each character and my confusion faded away. Sense8 is funny, thrilling, and full of action. You will love this one 😉

    3. Dexter

    Dexter Season 1 | Hola Darla
    One of the perks of watching a TV shows that are no longer airing is you can binge watch all you want without having to wait for newer episodes to air. I watched the final season of Dexter when it was aired on Fox Crime (or AXN?) and I decided to buy the first season DVD. I’m almost done with it now; just 2 more episodes left.

    4. Jessica Jones

    Marvel's Jessica Jones | Hola Darla
    I must admit that I haven’t read any JJ comics. I had no idea who she was before watching this series. Well, I still have no idea what her role in the Marvel universe is, but I know that she is badass. Being a huge fan of Veronica Mars, I found Krysten Ritter playing a PI hilarious. My first thought after finding that Jessica Jones has similar neo-noir genre like Veronica Mars was “Look at that. Gina Goodman pretending to be Veronica!” The series itself is quite boring. I think it is too slow-paced. Kilgrave is a promising enemy and his power seems so scary at first, but as the series progresses, Kilgrave’s power looks less and less scary. It’s a good show, but not good enough to make me want to rewatch the whole season.

    Images from 1/2/3/4

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    3 December 2015