This is what life looks/feels like lately

Dara at Kedai Seni Djakarta | Hola Darla
It’s been almost 2 months that Afief and I live separately. He landed a new job in Jakarta and had to move there immediately, while I still have to stay here in Bandung because I still need to teach my students at least until SBMPTN (uni entrance test, which is around May/June).

Everything happened so fast. Afief left his previous job on October and had been freelancing for a project with a community from Australia. All the while, he had been interviewed by this company several times since December. By the end of January, he had had about five interviews with them but still no news about whether he was going to be hired or not. And then, on Friday, 3 February, he got an email from them, saying that he was accepted and he would start on Monday, 6 February. So we went to Jakarta on Saturday to find him a place to stay and he moved there on Sunday. Just like that and I’ve lived alone since.
Empty bed | Hola Darla
Little Ungil | Hola Darla
I must admit that I’ve always wanted to live alone since junior high. But since I went to a uni in town, I didn’t move out of my parents’ house. And then just a few months after graduation, I got married and moved in with Afief, so I had never really lived alone. I adjusted to this solo living quite well, though. But it gets lonely sometimes, especially when I come home late after night tutoring and there are just cats greeting me at the door. There are nights I want to cuddle, but there’s only Chop-Chop (the other two are not cuddlers) and then Ungil comes and bugs Chop-Chop to the point that he goes out of the house for the rest of the night 🙁
Argo Parahyangan Kelas Ekonomi AC | Hola Darla
Old carriages in Purwakarta Railway Station | Hola Darla
We visit each other every weekend. We take turns; last week was my turn to visit him in Jakarta, so this week is his turn to visit me here in Bandung. So, there have been a lot of solo train rides. Long distance relationship is expensive haha! But we will survive. It’s only temporary and I’m joining him in Jakarta later this year. We only need to figure things out about where we are going to live in, because surely we can’t live in a small room with three cats (I’m not going to give them up!) so we need to find a house. And finding a house in Jakarta won’t be easy. All fingers are crossed and all prayers are sent.

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20 March 2017
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  • Reply nimabi

    Thank you very much for sharing, I learned a lot from your article. Very cool. Thanks. nimabi

    5 December 2023 at 2:17 AM
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