Weekend Links

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    Whoa, it’s Saturday already? Time flies! I barely remember what I did this week. One thing I remember, though, is that I have been impatiently waiting for the season premiere of Orphan Black which will be airing tomorrow morning (or tonight in US time). Bring it on, BBC!

    In the meantime, let’s enjoy these links I’ve found during the week:

    Now I’m going to prepare some pizza dough to be baked in the morning so I can eat pizzas while watching Orphan Black. Also, look at this good news! Orange Is The New Black is coming back this June!!!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    18 April 2015

    What I Wore: Roadtrip Outfit

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    Roadtrip Outfit
    Roadtrip Outfit
    When you go on a roadtrip, you’ll want to wear something as comfortable as possible. But given the fact that I was going to visit a friend who just got married, I thought it would not be okay to wear t-shirt+jeans (a combo I love the most!), so I pair my old blue jeans with my favourite polka dot shirt (which I wore for my picture on the sidebar) and my favourite grey scarf (which I also wore for said picture :p). These jeans made me look fat, but whatev. It was super comfy!

    What I wore:
    – Grey scarf | Unbranded | IDR 20k
    – Polka dot shirt | Esprit | Thrifted
    – Blue jeans | Custome made | IDR 90k
    – Sneakers | Converse | My sister’s

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    16 April 2015

    Roadtrip to Bekasi (+ An ONA Bag Giveaway)

    Roadtrip to Bekasi
    Roadtrips are awesome. Remember when Vicky, Irma, and I went on a roadtrip to Jakarta? We had another chance to do another roadtrip, but this time we went to Bekasi to visit a friend. Afief joined us this time. We went to visit May who got married the previous week, but we couldn’t come to her wedding reception. We decided to visit her on Sunday. As always, Vicky was our driver because she’s the only one who can drive. Haha!
    Roadtrip to Bekasi
    We revisited the rest area and took some pictures in front of the very same elephant statue. We took our time during the trip because we were supposed to pick up Arif on our way there, but Arif hadn’t arrived at the spot yet. So we visited some more rest areas, just because :p
    Roadtrip to Bekasi
    We arrived at May’s place in the afternoon (that means we spent, like, six hours on the road, when we actually needed only two hours to get there. Haha!) It had been months since I saw May, so it was nice to catch up with her. We talked about a lot of things, had our late lunch, talked some more, and when the clock struck five, we headed home.

    Roadtrip to Bekasi
    The five of us on our way back home

    This kind of trips are getting hard to conduct because we’re getting busier and busier each day. We had planned it for weeks. At first, there were eight of us who agreed to go, but three bailed out. I now understand why they say that as we grow up, we have less and less friends. It’s inevitable. We’re growing up and getting more responsibilities. We should really cherish the friendships we have in adulthood. Friends are blessings 🙂


    ONA Bag and Pinhole Press Giveaway
    ONA Bag and Pinhole Press are giving away one ONA Palma Bag and one FUJI X100T camera plus Pinhole Press gift card (worth $1900) to celebrate Mother’s Day! Click on the image to enter this super awesome giveaway. I know you want to win it!

    *Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with ONA Bag and/or Pinhole Press. I get an additional entry everytime someone enters this giveaway through the link on this page.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    14 April 2015

    Weekend Links

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    Weekend links is finally back! This week has been a lot of biting by Jess, thousands of phonecalls from new clients, sneezing + headaches, and many more mischievous. But today Afief and I will join a bunch of friends going on a roadtrip to visit a friend in Bekasi, yay! May got married last week but none of us could come to the reception, so we decided to go there this week instead. Better late than never, we think.

    Well… now links!

    • Jacky has some good points on competition in blogging world.
    • Similarly, jealousy in blogging world exists too! Here’s how we all can benefit from it.
    • Are you following Anna Kendrick on Instagram? She has been posting pictures of people posing the ‘boss pitch’ pose in front of Pitch Perfect 2 poster. Turns out, there is a story behind the pose.
    • I’m not really into fashion, because… well let’s be honest, I’d rather buy food than clothes. Haha! But if I had all the money in the world, I would take my lazy butt and head to the shop to buy all these stuffs from Sara’s latest Inspired By post. The boots. The dresses. Omg!
    • I must admit that I’m a bad book club member. I’m only on page 24 of NovelTea Book Club‘s book of choice this month, Good Omens. But I really recommend the club to you if you love reading. They’re all awesome ladies and most of them are bloggers too. Good place to make new friends 😉

    That’s it for this week. Have a fun weekend! Also, next week is Orphan Black’s season 3 premiere! Who’s as excited as I am? ;D

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    11 April 2015

    English and Me (+ #BookishScene Link Up)

    Good grammar is attractive by Grammarly
    I have been meaning to write a ’20 Random Facts About Me’ post for a while now, but I realise that it is not something you can write in one sitting. I tried to write it a few days ago but after a while, I only managed to write 3 random facts about me. So I decided to postpone it until I remember the facts randomly. Haha

    Fact #1 on my list goes like “English is not my first language. It is not even my second nor my third language.” It dawned on me that I have never actually written a post about this particular topic and then I thought “Perhaps it will be interesting!”

    In my country’s ever-changing curriculum, English is not a compulsory subject until middle school. However, a lot of elementary schools, especially those in big cities like Bandung, add English as its local content. I started getting English in fourth grade. I still remember the first lesson. It was spelling. The teacher was a beautiful young student teacher called Miss Naning. After the first few lessons, she gave us a spelling test and promised to give a prize for someone who got the highest score. It was me! I got 100 and she wrote “Congratulations!” on the corner of the page. It wasn’t until years later that I knew what the word meant, LOL! Anyway, she gave me the prize and it was a pack of snack bar. I was so happy back then. The test result and the prize were what made me fall in love with English. I excelled my classmates in English classes all the way through my school years. I was the walking English dictionary in high school. My friends often turned to me and asked what particular words meant and I would help them with English homework.

    And then it came the time to choose my major for uni. I had always wanted to be a teacher. Combining that with my love for English, I decided to choose English Education as my major. I learnt a lot of new things about English language in my courses. I became so into grammar and loved correcting other people’s grammar. I became a ‘grammar police’ in no time.

    Grammatical error in Samsung's official website
    Can’t believe Samsung have this grammatical error on their website 🙁

    I had no idea that being enchanted by English grammar could be frustating, though. People in my country often use incorrect English and it keeps giving me headaches. It gives me itches I can’t really scratch. It also makes me look like a jerk who can’t stop criticising people for using incorrect English. But I can’t just shut up seeing people misusing the language I really like. It’s not only once that people accuse me of being a traitor of my own country and nationality because of my love for English. Haha! People can be mean like that :p

    All those things set aside, my English is still far from perfect, though. I’m just an outsider of the language after all. Just another grammar nazi on the Internet. This is actually one of the reasons why I started blogging. I want to perfect my English while making friends with people from all around the world. You guys have helped me improve my English. Thank you so much! And pardon me if several things on my blog get lost in translation. I really hope I’ve never written something too odd or offensive. Haha!


    Dara's bookshelf for #BookishScene link up
    This week I’m joining Georgie‘s and Josephine‘s Bookish Scene link up. The theme for this week is “bookshelf”. My bookshelf currently only has several books because I haven’t brought all of my collections from my parents’ house. As you can see, out of the fifteen books on my shelf, only two books are in my native language. The rest is in English. One book is actually a grammar exercise book. See? I’m sooo in love with English!

    Image via.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    10 April 2015