Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs

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    Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs | Hola Darla
    I used to have this strong belief: “Getting married won’t change a thing; having kids will.” As long as there were still the two of us (well, three if you count Jess), we would be able to live our lives just like we had done before getting married. The only change is that we live together now.

    Alas, that is not always the case. As much as I want to be the same person I was before my wedding day, I’ve changed. I’ve changed in more ways than I know.
    Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs | Hola Darla
    Being in a group chat with my girls is no longer the same. We used to talk a lot about heartbreaks. We were a bunch of single, independent ladies who had been BFFs since high school. We had shared a lot of relationship’s ups and downs. Now that I’m married, I feel like an outsider whenever they talk about heartbreaks. I occasionally have my share of heartbreaks too, but not the same kind as their heartbreaks. I feel odd being the only married person among single ladies.
    Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs | Hola Darla
    Friendship feels strange nowadays. I know that friends drift away and it’s inevitable, but I never thought that it would happen so clearly before my eyes. Thankfully my husband and I share some friends, so we still get to hang out with them every now and then.

    Don’t get me wrong. Married life is so, so fun! But it also comes with a price. It’s been almost nine months, but there are still a lot to figure out. It’s an adventure I won’t trade for any other thing 🙂

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    11 September 2015

    Blogging Rant*: Four Things To Do Before Sponsoring A Blog

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    Four Things To Do Before Sponsoring A Blog | Hola Darla
    I’ve been sponsoring three blogs for the past couple of months. Purchasing an ad spot is new to me, even though I used to do ad swap back in the day of blogging glory 2010-2011. If done right, sponsoring other blogs can be very helpful in increasing your blog traffic and follower numbers. Alas, that’s not the case for me. Out of the three ads I’ve purchased on three different blogs, there’s only one success. But the experience has taught me these four things I should have done before sponsoring a blog.

    Get to know the blogger first. The very first time I sponsored a blog was by googling for small-to-medium blogs that accept sponsorship. Then I bought their cheapest ad. It was a tacky move as if I was shooting in the dark. I didn’t know the blogger and as it turned out, we literally had nothing in common. It was a waste of money and I wasn’t satisfied with the result. After sponsoring that first blog, I decided to sponsor a blog that I had known for a while, Sincerely, Sara. It was the total opposite. I got my fair amount of traffic and followers while I also supported a blogger I genuinely like. It was a win-win situation and I’m really glad I did it.

    Visit the blog’s current and past sponsors. It’s important to know that your blog and their blog’s current and past sponsors at least have one thing in common. The first blog I sponsored was a beauty blog and their sponsors were also beauty and hair blogs with contents like makeup products reviews, beauty tips and how-to’s, and things like that. I, on the other hand, rarely (if ever) write those kinds of post. Sara and I both love YA fictions, Marvel movies, and other geeky stuff, so our blogs are not very different (although her blog is more organised and focused than mine). Her sponsors were all also similar in taste. I didn’t feel like an alien when my ad was placed among them. So, another point for Sara!

    Study the available ad choices. Blogs that accept sponsorship usually have several choices of sponsorship you can choose from. The cheapest one usually only offers an ad space on the sidebar, perhaps with several additions like a shoutout on Twitter and a link back in a blog post. Other options may give you the opportunity to do a guest post or a giveaway. Study these sponsorship options carefully, so there won’t be any misunderstanding in the future.

    Choose the kind of ad/sponsorship that suits your blog. For example, if you are a crafty blogger with an Etsy shop for handmade accessories, you may want to choose the kind of sponsorship which gives exposure to both your blog and your shop, e.g. an ad space on the sidebar plus an opportunity to do a giveaway. Also, don’t forget to choose the sponsorship in accordance to your budget.

    Sponsoring other people’s blogs is a valuable experience. It brings new friends and also helps you grow. I hope these tips from me are helpful for you who are new to this whole sponsorship thing 😉

    *Blogging Rant is an irregular feature on Hola Darla, in which I talk about blogging and other things related to it.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    26 August 2015

    Weekend Links

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    Gah! Runny nose and an-hour-non-stop-sneezing are the worst, no? Both my husband and I are sick today, so we stay home all day and sleep in. I woke up at 5pm and it was the best day nap ever! But our internet connection is wonky tonight, so if this post doesn’t show up right, I’m so sorry. But here are your links:

    • My team, Chelsea FC, just bought Pedro from Barcelona. The football player was heavily connected to Manchester United during the transfer session this summer, but then… Surprise! He’s with Chelsea now!
    • As a non-native English speaker, often times I get held back from writing because of the grammar rules. Then I discovered that there are some rules in English grammar that we can actually break.
    • I’ve been sponsoring several blogs for the last couple months and Becky’s post about what to look for when sponsoring other blogs is very helpful. (I’m sharing my thoughts about this same topic next week).
    • Once upon a time in my life (or really, it was about three years ago), I got super sick of my city and decided to move out right after uni. Well, it didn’t happen but Sarah’s post reminded me of those moments and what I could’ve done if only I really took that path.
    • I can’t wait for the new season of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter! But in the meantime, I’m squealing over the awesomeness that is SHIELD versus Carter DubSmash death match (for charity!)

    Get well soon to us!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    23 August 2015

    Change is Hard

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    Learn to Dress More Modest (Syar'i) | Hola Darla
    This Eid, I had this resolution of trying to learn to dress more modest. I’ve been wearing loose dresses with wider, chest-covering scarves. I must admit that this style is quite inconvenient; muslim women aren’t supposed to show their skin except for their face and hands, so it is necessary to cover our arms, and eating with long sleeves is not the most pleasant thing in the world. That, or I just need more time to adapt.

    Loose dresses and wider scarves are super comfortable, though. I feel like I’m free to move however I like without the fear of getting anything exposed (like when you wear jeans with small t-shirt and you sit down and half of your buttcrack is showing. Noooooooo!!!)

    Change is hard. I still wear pants whenever I feel loose dresses wouldn’t be comfortable to be worn to certain places, e.g. traditional markets. But I’m learning each day. And I hope I’m getting better at it.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    21 August 2015

    Random Thoughts

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    I’m back… again. In yet another attempt to be back to regular blogging. I have so many post ideas in mind but can’t seem to put them into neat, readable formatted words for public consumption. Blogger’s block has never been this strong. Ugh.

    Anyway, allow me to share several thoughts I’ve been having lately. Perhaps some of you can relate to one or more of these?

    Pink Dress | Hola Darla
    I’ve been wearing a lot of pink lately. People has started speculating that I’m pregnant, specifically with a baby girl. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not pregnant. My cheeks look chubbier but my stomach is as flat as an ironing board (or maybe not really).

    I love napping with Miss Jess and often get worried if I’d crush on her while napping and she’d die. Today I found out that that is something which will unlikely happen. I accidently kicked her head and she bit my foot. She always puts up a fight (and ends up winning).

    After seeing the news about my country’s economic situation, I realised how dynamic life is. And even though my little young family has to strive harder now, I see hope in everything. I feel so energised and full of life right now that I start to think I’m being silly and naive.

    Book Haul | Hola Darla
    I have a new found love for Eka Kurniawan. Earlier this month, I finally gave local novels a try after years of being disgusted at how silly their back cover synopsis are. I picked three books, one that of Eka Kurniawan, the other two are by Dwitasari “and friends”. I stopped reading Dwitasari’s Jatuh Cinta Diam-Diam halfway through, but I fell deeply in love with Eka Kurniawan’s Perempuan Patah Hati yang Kembali Menemukan Cinta Melalui Mimpi. I love his writing style and his stories are very unique. Two of his novels are going to be published in English next month: Beauty is a Wound and Man Tiger (you can pre-order here and here).

    Did you know that my husband is a blogger too? I hadn’t read his blog for a while, but yesterday I went and saw this post about his first Ramadan with me. I might have cried a little. He is very amazing. I love him. And I’m glad I did well in our first Ramadan living together.

    I miss reading your blogs. How are you? Tell me one of your random thoughts right now!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    19 August 2015