Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Book Review

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    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Book Review | Hola Darla
    The release of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book must be the highlight of 2016 for all Harry Potter fans, including me. When it was announced that there would be the eighth book of Harry Potter, I was so excited; but not excited enough to pre-order as the price was quite high for me. Fortunately, the book was short enough for a friend of mine to finish it in just one sitting and that friend of mine was kind enough to lend it to me!
    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Hard Cover | Hola Darla
    Cursed Child starts at the exact same scene as the epilog from Deathly Hallows. Set 19 years after the Battle Of Hogwarts, the original trio is at Platform 3/4 to watch their children board the Hogwarts Express. Albus Severus is worried that he will be sorted into Slytherin but Harry assures him that it won’t make any difference. This turns out to be a big part of the story of Cursed Child. Albus is sorted into Slytherin and befriends Scorpius Malfoy, Draco’s only child. Him being a Potter in Slytherin becomes a burden for Albus since he feels like he is overshadowed by his father’s greatness (or rather, fame, since Harry Potter grew up to be a troubled man with problems at work who doesn’t get along with his son). To overcome this problem and to prove that he is as great as his father, Albus (accompanied by Scorpius) sets off a journey to the past to correct Harry’s mistake, that is getting Cedric killed by Voldemort. However, every little change in the past makes the alternate present even weirder and weirder. Albus and Scorpius have to make everything right again.
    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Excerpt | Hola Darla
    Honestly, I’m not satisfied with this book. It was written by two more people other than J.K. Rowling herself, I don’t know how much of it that she wrote, but the whole book doesn’t have her sound at all. The original trio is written like completely different people. I get it; people change. But the change of the trio is too far away. Ron was quite funny back then, but in this book he was written more like a comic relief. He sounds shallow. We all know that Hermione is the greatest witch of her age, but I’m also sure that the original Ron was bound to be great as well. This new Ron looks like he is overshadowed by his wife who happens to become the Minister of Magic while he manages a joke shop (probably the twin’s shop). I’m very disappointed.
    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Cover | Hola Darla
    Also, the friendship between Albus and Scorpius screams gay to me. While I think it’s okay if they are actually in love with each other, but the story insists that they are not gays by forcing the subplot that Scorpius has a crush on Rose (Granger-Weasley) and tries to ask her out. It’s as if the writers actually wanted them to be gays but decided to write it off in last minute. It really bugs me. Reading the Cursed Child feels like reading a fanfiction written by a teenage girl who is obsessed with both the Harry Potter series and Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On. I’m sorry, but it is.

    That being said, if I get the chance to see the play, I’ll still watch it. Maybe the real reason why I hate Cursed Child so much is because it’s actually a play script. It doesn’t give as much detail as a narrative story. Maybe I’ll like it more if I see it on stage. Now, if only I could take myself to London…

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    2 September 2016

    Summer Food Festival + Keuken Bandung 2016

    Posted in eating, EN, keuken, weekend by

    For the past decade, Bandung has become a well-known culinary tourism destination in West Java. The city gets crowded every weekend because people from nearby cities come to hang out in cafes and such. It’s a heaven for food lovers. So it was no surprise that during the Independence Day weekend, there were two culinary festivals held in Bandung: Summer Food Festival and Keuken 2016. We happened to go to both festivals, but unfortunately we were having too much fun that we only took several pictures :p
    All About Potatoes at Summer Food Festival Bandung | Hola Darla
    Iced Cappuccino at Summer Food Festival Bandung | Hola Darla
    Summer Food Festival Balai Kota Bandung | Hola Darla
    Summer Food Festival was held in the city hall on Saturday, 20 August. It was dubbed as a South American culinary festival, but there was no South American food actually. There were only booths promoting each country’s tourism programme. It was a shame because we actually came to taste South American food. We ended up buying the usual festival food (potatoes, coffee, etc.)
    Keuken Bandung 2016 | Hola Darla
    Capsicum's Quesadilla and Crispybar's Mixed Snack at Keuken Bandung 2016 | Hola Darla
    Welldone's Wagyu with Buttered Rice at Keuken Bandung 2016 | Hola Darla
    This was the seventh Keuken, but or third time coming there (read about Keuken #4 here and Keuken #6 here). Keuken has never ceased to amaze us. We always love going to Keuken because there’s always something new to try. This time, we tried quesadilla (which was good) and wagyu with buttered rice (which was VERY GOOD). Our last year’s favourite was available too, so we bought it again.

    So sorry for the very low-quality photos. We didn’t bring a camera so each picture was taken by using our phones’ camera. Also, we came to Keuken at around sunset so the lighting was bad too. I swear I’m still going to try to be a good blogger who carries a good camera everywhere. Haha…

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    24 August 2016

    Farewell, Asoy.

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    Asoy The Little Tiger Kitten | Hola Darla
    Asoy passed this afternoon. After one week being taken care by me, Asoy died of anaemia due to his many fleas. He was still very cheerful yesterday, but as of this morning he wouldn’t drink his milk. His body was very cool and he was weak. I took him to the vet and he was given oxygen, laid on a heating pad, and his chest was rubbed by the vet but he wasn’t breathing. His pulse was very weak and his heart finally stopped beating at around 2pm. I’m very upset right now.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    18 August 2016

    Life Lately – Mid August

    I’m trying not to be one of those people who say “It’s August already! Time flies!” when clearly this year feels like the worst year for everybody in the world. There was a point a few weeks ago where I decided to stop watching the news on TV entirely because everything looked bad. We need more positive news, please.
    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child hard cover | Hola Darla
    That being said, at least we got a new Harry Potter book this year, though it’s not a novel but a drama script. I’m not 100% satisfied with it, but that’s a story for another time. As for now, let’s just appreciate this excerpt:
    Sassy Professor McGonagall on Cursed Child | Hola Darla
    Boy do I miss Sassy Minerva so much (and also Sassy Dowager Countess).

    Also, I finally went to the gym and tried a belly dance lesson (I know, right???). Halfway through it I realised that belly dancing was NOT for me. I was SO BAD at moving my hips and I looked totally awkward and stupid that I won’t be going to that class ever again.
    Going to the gym | Hola Darla
    Nope. Not for me. I’ll just switch back to running on the treadmill (and maybe a Zumba or aerobic class?)

    There was one morning a few days ago when I couldn’t get up from bed because Jessi was lying on my chest. She has become so heavy after being spayed and I was too lazy to make an effort to get her off my chest, so I took a few more minutes in bed taking pictures of her and editing them on Prisma.
    Jessi plus the Prisma app | Hola Darla
    This has been my newest favourite app of all time because it makes Jessi look even more fabulous and majestic than she already is! My favourite one is the top right. I’m now using it as both my phone and laptop wallpaper.

    Talking about cat… Looks like Jessi and Chop-Chop will have to share the house with another kitty for the next few years as I took this little baby in on Thursday. I found him crying beside a road near my mum’s house. There were no other kittens and the mother was also nowhere to be found. He sounded hungry and was covered by ants. I took him home and bottle fed him. The plan is to foster him until he can eat canned food and poop + pee on the litter box, then after that my mum will adopt him.
    Asoy the Little Tiger Kitten | Hola Darla
    He looks a lot like Ed Sheeran, doesn’t he? It’s been 72 hours and both he and I have been doing just fine. I’ve never taken care of orphaned kittens before. I kinda feel proud of myself right now.

    Last but not least, I want to emphasise that global warming is real, you guys. It’s August yet somehow it’s still wet season here in Bandung. The dry season should’ve started as early as April, but nope. Still raining. I miss the sun and I want to go swimming, but as for now I’d just cuddle with my little Ed Sheeran. (No, that’s not his name. His actual name is Asoy.)

    So how’s your August been so far?

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    14 August 2016

    Let’s Talk About Suicide Squad

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    Suicide Squad Movie Review | Hola Darla
    Let me tell you this up front, I’m not a fan of DC. I think Man Of Steel is a huge snooze fest and I actually fell asleep during the most important part of Dawn Of Justice (ya know… the part which Batman versus Superman actually happens). So I wasn’t too interested in all the hype regarding Suicide Squad. I thought it would be another snooze fest and a waste of money; I even joked to my husband that I needed to take a nap and had a cup of coffee before we went to the movie so I wouldn’t fall asleep.

    And boy was I really wrong. The movie was kind of fun. Kind of. And the musics are hella good.

    Being the non-DC-fan that I am, there are a lot of things that I still don’t understand, like who this Katana woman is and why she joins the squad. The story is not quite clear for non-fans like me. I read from an article that there are a lot of deleted scenes that will be available on the DVDs/Blue Ray releases, so I guess I just need to wait for it then? Talking about marketing strategies… *rolling my eyes*

    Anyway, I’m fairly concerned about the depiction of Harley and Joker’s abusive relationship. Why do people like it? I feel so uncomfortable watching Harley jumps into a pool of chemical waste just because Joker tells her to. It can send a bad message to young people, can’t it?

    All in all, I’d give Suicide Squad 3.5 out of 5 stars for the musics, the improved jokes, and Harley Quinn. Margot Robbie is a queen and seeing her in this movie has given me an encouragement to go the gym because she is my #bodygoals :p

    Image from.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    8 August 2016