TV Shows I’m Currently Obsessed With

    Posted in EN, short reviews, television by

    With the exams season over and the finals week not starting until next month, I’ve been pretty much unemployed right now. In order to tone down my reading-craze a bit, I’ve been watching quite a lot of TV shows. Here are four TV shows I’m currently obsessed with:

    1. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

    A mutual on Tumblr got super obsessed with this show that he couldn’t stop reblogging all Brooklyn Nine-Nine gifsets. I kept seeing the gifsets that I finally got sick of them and decided to watch the show. I got hooked instantly. This show is so hilarious! It tells the story of a detective squad from the 99th precinct of NYPD. They are all good detectives with unique personalities. Police procedural has always been my favourite genre, and with almost all my fave police shows already got canceled (Motive, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, etc.) this comedy has become #1 on my list.

    2. Superstore

    Superstore is a workplace comedy set in a hypermarket called Cloud9. I’ve never worked in retail. but from what I’ve read working retail can be very stressful. Superstore tells the comedic side of said stressful job. It also makes fun of the corporate and how badly they treat their employees. Season 2 was concluded earlier this month with a tragic episode which is a mixture of hilarious and heartbreaking.

    3. Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    This show has always been on my list of favourite TV shows, although I have mixed feeling about it. The first half of this season (the Ghost Rider arc) was very boring and I stopped watching at episode 6. But then I decided to start watching again near the end of the season and I must say that the second half of the season (the crazy robot aka LMD aka AIDA arc) is fantastic! I feel that the show has drifted too far away from the whole MCU, but the last scene in the season finale (is it a cliffhanger, I’m not sure) hinted that perhaps the next season will have a direct link to the upcoming Infinity War? Let’s just see.

    4. Keeping Up with the Kardashians

    I know a lot of people hate Keeping Up with the Kardashians (and the family altogether), but it’s a show that’s so ridiculous that you can get so attached to it, get it? Hahah… I hadn’t really watched this show, but a few months ago E! Channel aired a marathon of season 12 right before season 13 premiered and I can’t stop watching since. I like them, they’re kind of funny.

    There are several series already on my list that I haven’t started watching yet (e.g. Sense8, Iron Fist, etc.) and there are also series premiering their new seasons next month. But Ramadan is starting in 3 days so I’m very conflicted between watching these shows or devoting myself to ibadah hahahaha :p

    What are your favourite TV shows?

    Image from 1/2/3/4

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    23 May 2017


    Dara (@darlaoct) on Instagram
    The wet season has finally ended abruptly, and just like that, the dry season starts. We haven’t had rain for almost a week now. It’s very common every year that the rain suddenly stops when Ramadan arrives. We’ll start the fasting month about a week from now. The beginning of the month is also a four day weekend so the traffic in Bandung is going to be waaayy more crowded. But hey, at least it’s going to be fun. It’s Ramadan!
    Dara (@darlaoct) on Instagram
    Speaking of which, I’ve been doing this campaign for Bearbrand on my Instagram account. Check it out!

    Aside of that, life has been pretty much the same as usual: reading, tutoring, binge watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine (more of that coming soon on a blog post), some more reading, rinse and repeat. My orders from Book Depository came yesterday and I’m going to read even more. This craziness hasn’t stopped. I’m done with my 2017 Reading Challenge earlier this month. I’ve become a monster hahahaha!
    Dara (@darlaoct) on Instagram
    Dara (@darlaoct) on Instagram
    Also, I’ve been avoiding the news, especially on Twitter. The world is crazy. My country is crazy. It seems like everything triggers my anxiety. I’ve been spending more time on Tumblr instead, reblogging cat videos and memes (are we friends there?). Someday I’m going to toughen up and face the world, but today is not that day.
    Dara (@darlaoct) on Instagram
    Anyone feeling the same?

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    19 May 2017

    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Review

    Posted in EN, movies, reviews by

    Due to me and my husband living in different cities now, it has become quite hard for us to go to movie premieres. I had planned to go visit him on the premiere day of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 so we could watch together, but life happened and we ended up watching it on the weekend. It was fine, though, because our country got to see the movie earlier than most of other countries (including the US), so I still think that’s a win(?)

    So anyway… In this second installment of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the team is already fully established as ‘the guardians’. At the beginning of the movie, they are on a mission of protecting the Sovereign’s batteries from a monster who is trying to stole them. They succeed and in turn of their service, the Sovereign hand Nebula over to them. She had become a prisoner after trying to steal the batteries. The Guardians then flee, but unbeknownst to the rest of them, Rocket stole some of the batteries. On their way home, they are attacked by the Sovereign’s fleet but they are saved by a stranger. Turns out, the stranger is Peter Quill’s estranged father, Ego the Living Planet. He asks Peter to come home with him to his planet. Peter is skeptic at first, but Gamora convinces him, so Peter, Gamora, and Drax go with Ego while Rocket, Baby Groot, and Nebula are left to fix their broken ship. The Sovereign is still looking for them and they recruit Yondu and his crew to find the Guardians. But then Yondu’s crew betray him and a mutiny breaks out. Yondu, Rocket, Baby Groot, and Kraglin (one of Yondu’s loyal men) team up to escape, while the rest of the Guardians find out who Ego really is and what he really wants.

    While Volume 2 is not a huge disappointment, I honestly still like Volume 1 much better. This movie suffers from the ‘personal story’ syndrome, something that has become quite a trend lately (I read about it somewhere but can’t find the link to the article). The visual effects, the jokes, and the characters are perfect, but the story is a little bit off. Also, I haven’t read any Guardians of the Galaxy comic books, but I’ve read in a forum discussion that Peter Quill’s father in the comic books is not Ego the Living Planet, so maybe I should find out why the writer decided so. And I’m very curious how the Guardians will fit in the upcoming Avengers movie! Anybody else feels the same way?

    All in all, I’m giving this movie 4 out of 5 stars.

    Image via.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    11 May 2017

    Recent Reads: April

    Recent Reads: April | Hola Darla
    I’m changing the title of the monthly Books I Finished In… post into the shorter and catchier Recent Reads. So, here it is… Recent Reads: April.

    My books purchase is under control, at least for now hahah! I only impulsively bought one book, the others were planned purchases. I’m limiting myself to read one book per week, so in April I finished these five books:

    Jolly Foul Play by Robin Stevens | Hola Darla
    It’s a good thing that there are quite a lot of books in this series because I like it very much. I hope Robin Stevens is planning to keep writing and producing more and more books in this series, like Agatha Christie did with all her detectives and sleuths. In this book, the girls are back again in the Deepdean School. Someone is murdered and secrets of older students are out. The Detective Society has grown quite bigger than in the previous books, so Daisy and Hazel are not alone in solving these two cases. I must say that this book is kinda scary compared to the previous ones in the series. The victim is a student and two students also go missing, so the girls are actually involved instead of being the outsiders looking in. I like this book very much, maybe even more than the previous ones I’ve read.

    A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro | Hola Darla
    In A Study in Charlotte, we are introduced to Charlotte Holmes and Jamie Watson, the direct descendants of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson who happen to be the same age and go to the same boarding school (though it’s a setup done by Jamie’s father). A student is murdered and the clues point to the two of them, so they have to solve the mystery while avoiding being arrested for the murder they didn’t do. Every book blogger I follow praises this book. Unfortunately, the bookshops in Bandung and Jakarta don’t have it so I had to order it online and wait patiently for it to arrive for almost a month (international shipping is so ugh!). It’s so worth the wait! Although it’s weird to read that Holmes and Watson are romantically involved (I’m not a JohnLock shipper, sorry…), I like the characters. I like Charlotte’s personality and Jamie’s rage (is that bad? Lol). I also like Jamie’s relationship with his estranged father and his new family. I’m currently waiting for the paperback version of the second book to be available in Book Depository.

    Closed Casket by Sophie Hannah | Hola Darla
    Why would a rich children books author change her will to leave everything to her dying secretary instead of her two children? The reason might surprise you for a second and make you roll your eyes immediately after. It’s very silly. While I like the majority of the characters in A Study in Charlotte, I hate everyone in Closed Casket. Nobody is likable. The case itself is good and very Agatha Christie-ish, but the characters are awful. Yes, that’s including the Hercule Poirot.

    Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty | Hola Darla
    Big Little Lies shows us how our action can change other people’s lives forever. It’s heartbreaking but also quite funny. With the HBO series finale getting praises everywhere on the internet, I became very curious about this book. I decided to read the book first before watching the show. I’ve been looking for adult books to read because every book I’ve read is YA and Big Little Lies won my heart right after I finished reading the very first page. I really like it! I’m definitely going to read more books by Liane Moriarty.

    Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher | Hola Darla
    When someone kills themselves, we may never know and understand what drives them to do that. But before she committed suicide, Hannah recorded cassette tapes and set them to be sent around the thirteen people responsible for her actions after her death. This book was also bought by me because of the words about the Netflix show going around on the internet. Some people like it, others say it’s sending the wrong message. But I must say the book is very good and well written. It’s a quick read, I finished it in less than a day, but it left a huge hole in my heart. I cried halfway into reading it. It’s very heartbreaking. But I read somewhere that the show has several differences from the book. I haven’t seen it but I will when I get the time. It’s Netflix, so I’m probably going to finish the whole show in one seating.


    Whoa, that’s still quite a lot of books, isn’t it? Haha… But I’m taking it veeeeeeryyyyy slow this month. I’m currently reading two books, Red Queen and the next installment in the Murder Most Unladylike Mystery series, Mistletoe and Murder. I started Red Queen in March but I’m still halfway through it. I started Mistletoe and Murder last week but I haven’t finished either.
    Currently Reading: Early May | Hola Darla
    What about you? What have you read lately? Give me book recommendations! 😉

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    8 May 2017

    Anda Pencinta Trekking? Inilah 5 Tempat Wisata yang Sangat Patut Anda Jelajahi!

    Posted in ID, traveling by

    Menjelajahi alam memang selalu menantang dan memberikan sensasi yang menyenangkan. Mendaki gunung, melewati lembah, mengikuti jalan setapak alami, serta menyibakkan dedaunan merupakan pengalaman yang tidak dapat digantikan dengan suatu apa pun. Selain itu, pengalaman bertemu hewan-hewan yang tidak biasa Anda lihat tentu menjadi suatu hal yang tidak terlupakan.

    Bagi Anda yang tengah berwisata di kota Bogor, 5 tempat wisata berikut ini harus Anda coba untuk melakukan trekking yang santai bersama keluarga.

    1. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Indonesia bukan hanya menampilkan berbagai binatang yang dibiarkan hidup di alam bebas, tetapi juga menawarkan paket trekking yang dapat Anda pilih sesuai kemampuan. Anda dapat memilih paket trekking sejauh 3 km atau 9 km. Ketika trekking di Taman Safari Indonesia, pastikan Anda selalu mengikuti instruksi yang diberikan pemandu. Ikutilah selalu jejak langkah sang pemandu. Jangan coba-coba untuk mencari jalan pintas. Alih-alih menemukan rute yang lebih dekat, Anda bisa tersesat di tengah rimba hutan Taman Safari. Kemungkinan bertemu hewan liar di hutan Taman Safari merupakan kemungkinan yang bisa membahayakan Anda!

    2. Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango

    Mendakilah ke Puncak Gunung Gede yang masih termasuk di kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango. Semakin mendekati puncak, Anda akan mendapati pohon-pohon semakin rendah. Begitu tiba di puncak, pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan pun telah menunggu Anda. Saksikanlah Alun-Alun Suryakencana yang indah dan kawah gunung yang menggetarkan hati. Di sepanjang perjalanan, bukalah mata Anda lebar-lebar. Siapa tahu, Anda berjumpa dengan aneka satwa langka yang hidup di Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango.

    3. Curug Leuwi Lieuk

    Selain dikenal sebagai kota hujan, Bogor sering disebut-sebut pula sebagai kota seribu curug. Pasalnya, di kota ini memang terdapat banyak air terjun atau curug yang indah. Curug Leuwi Lieuk merupakan salah satu di antaranya. Hanya saja, Curug Leuwi Lieuk tidak bisa langsung Anda capai menggunakan kendaraan. Anda memerlukan tenaga dan usaha ekstra untuk bisa mencapai curug dengan lubuk yang indah ini. Anda harus terlebih dahulu mendaki bukit dengan medan yang cukup menantang. Walaupun demikian, jerih payah Anda akan terbayar lunas saat tiba di curug terpencil yang jauh dari keramaian ini.

    4. Gua Agung Garunggang Geopark

    Satu lagi tempat terpencil yang dapat menjadi tujuan trekking Anda bersama keluarga. Melajulah ke Desa Karang Tengah, Kecamatan Babakan Madang. Parkirkan kendaraan Anda di salah satu rumah warga, dan lanjutkan perjalanan Anda ke Gua Agung Garunggung Geopark dengan berjalan kaki. Teruslah mendaki hingga menemukan tumpukan bebatuan yang indah. Anda akan mendengar gemericik air sungai meskipun tidak tampak satu sungai pun. Itulah suara air sungai yang terletak di dalam gua.

    5. Gunung Batu Jonggol

    Bagi Anda yang sudah cukup berpengalaman melakukan trekking dan mendaki gunung, Gunung Batu Jonggol bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat. Meskipun gunung ini tidaklah terlalu tinggi, tetapi jalur pendakiannya cukup curam dan menantang. Medan trekking yang terdiri atas bebatuan mengharuskan Anda untuk senantiasa berhati-hati memilih pijakan. Terlebih, jika ada pendaki lain di belakang Anda. Jangan sampai, batu yang Anda pijak malah jatuh dan mencelakakan pendaki lainnya.

    Itulah 5 tempat wisata yang sangat cocok untuk aktivitas trekking bersama keluarga. Pilihlah dengan bijak sesuai dengan kemampuan setiap anggota keluarga Anda. Sebelum melakukan trekking, Anda dapat transit terlebih dahulu di salah satu hotel di kota Bogor. Anda juga dapat beristirahat di penginapan setelah menuntaskan wisata trekking.

    Untuk memperoleh hotel murah di Bogor yang nyaman, kunjungilah situs web Airy Rooms. Anda juga bisa mengunduh aplikasi Airy Rooms melalui gawai Android atau iOS Anda.

    Dengan Airy Rooms, Anda bisa mendapatkan hotel murah yang berkualitas. Sembari beristirahat, Anda dapat menikmati hiburan di televisi layar datar. Pancuran air hangat pun akan membuat tubuh Anda relaks setelah melakukan trekking yang melelahkan.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    5 May 2017