5 things: movies about moving on

Posted in 5 things, love, movies by

It’s been a while since the last time I wrote a 5 things post. Also, I haven’t posted anything since Sunday, so I think it’s a good time to bring back this series of 5 things I love (or hate in several cases). This week I’m bringing you, ladies and gentlemen, five movies about moving on…

1. Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist

I first knew about this movie from a review in a local newspaper. They gave a good rating for this movie, so as soon as the DVD was out, I bought it and brought it home. It turned out to be one of the funniest movies I had ever seen. This movie is basically about a bunch of teenagers who stay up all night looking for a missing drunk girl while also looking for a secret gig of their favourite band, Where’s Fluffy?. Our hero and heroine both recently broke up with their on-again-off-again girlfriend/boyfriend. They found each other at a gig in a ridiculous way and spent the whole night together in a search party. As the night goes by, they get to know each other better and start to fall in love.

Lesson(s) learnt:

Sometimes it’s okay to rush. If you’ve found someone better, don’t be afraid to fall in love again, even if you’ve just broke up recently. Because, who knows? Maybe they are really the cure that God sends down from heaven, right?

2. The Holiday

This movie is about two heartbroken women who decide to swap houses after both of their relationships fail. The American girl goes to stay in a small house in England; the English girl goes to stay in a big, modern house in US. While on their stay, they both find someone new. But with new people, comes new problems. The English girl’s ex comes to visit her in US and she is tempted once again, though in the end she finally realises that he is not right for her. The American girl finds out that the man she falls in love with is actually a widower with two daughters, but in the end they can get along very well.

Lesson(s) learnt:

Don’t be afraid to stand up and walk away from a bad relationship. Don’t force yourself to stay in a relationship that you know will never work. Also, you have to be open-minded because love is actually all around. (PS. Traveling can help you get over a broken heart.)

3. P.S. I Love You

Ah… This one is a tear-jerker. It’s about a woman whose husband died because of a brain tumor. After he died, she withdraws herself from the world and hides in her apartment. But on her birthday, she receives a letter from her late husband. It turns out to be the first of a series of letters written by her late husband to help her move on with her life. The letters tell her to do some activities and go to Ireland, the husband’s homeland. Along her journey, she meets new people and a particular man who catches her attention. She can move on little by little, thanks to the letters. In the end, she finally overcomes her fear of falling in love again.

Lesson(s) learnt:

It’s okay to mourn, it’s okay to break down. But you can’t be sad for too long. You have to get up, get back on track, and move on with your life. I know it’s a little bit contradictive from the first movie, but it’s also okay to take your time and not to rush things. Take a little break, but don’t be afraid to fall in love again.

4. (500) Days of Summer

What good is this list without Summer Finn? I do believe that everyone of you knows what this movie is about, am I right? Now let’s save some energy by not writing a short synopsis, shall I? 😉

Lesson(s) learnt:

Dear guys, if a girl says she doesn’t want a relationship, well she doesn’t. No matter how many times you kiss, how many times you go out, if she has said that she doesn’t want a relationship, she doesn’t want a relationship. And if you have your heart broken, guys (and girls), staying in bed for days will not help you getting over her. Get up and live your life. Go out and meet new people. Because even after summer ends, autumn will come and take over the wheel.

5. Little Manhattan

Little Josh Hutcherson has his first love in Little Manhattan when he falls in love with a girl he’s known since kindergarten. He tries many ways to make her love him back while he also has to deal with the problem in his family because his parents are in the process of getting divorced. In the end, he doesn’t get the girl, but he learns many things from his attempts to get closer to her and from his parents’ failed marriage.

Lesson(s) learnt:

There’s always a brighter side in every story. Try to see the good things and accept them as a lesson that you can learn so you will not make the same mistake again.

That’s my list of five movies about moving on. Have you watched them? Or do you have other movies to be added to my list? Let me know if you do.

See you in the next 5 things post!

All pictures were taken from IMDb.

6 June 2012
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  • Reply Christianna

    Love The Holiday & Little Manhattan was just entirely too cute 🙂

    6 June 2012 at 7:48 PM
  • Reply flutterhappy

    I cried with P.S. I Love you. 😉

    10 June 2012 at 1:21 AM
  • Reply Jennifer M.

    This only one of these I haven't seen is PS I Love You, but only because I know it'll make me cry!! I love, love, loved all the other ones you mentioned though. Most are so romantic, in a sad sort of way. And the music in Nick and Norah is pretty good too!

    12 June 2012 at 2:45 AM
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