The Reason Why I Haven’t Started Writing My Skripsi* Yet

    Posted in college by

    As a fourth year university student, I fully understand why you guys keep asking me about the same thing: skripsi. A lot of my friends have already started writing theirs now, and yet here I am still not giving a damn about it. Don’t get me wrong. Of course I want to be able to graduate as soon as possible; I have dreams to pursue, after all.

    My skripsi proposal is ready to be submitted, actually. It has already been since January. But another requirement for submitting it is a minimum PTESOL score of 500. Alas for me, I hadn’t got the chance to take the test until one day before the D-day of skripsi proposal submission due date. (Ya know, after all the haze and craze about Antigone, I had to face the student teaching programme right away.) That is why I have to wait until May, when the second term of skripsi proposal submission is due.

    Don’t worry, though. Because I passed the minimum PTESOL score requirement.

    613, dude!

    *skripsi: a term Indonesian people use to call the final paper that bachelor degree students have to write to be able to graduate and get their degree

    7 March 2013


    Posted in him by

    Kemarin gue memutuskan untuk make kaos warna krem entah-milik-siapa yang secara ajaib ada di lemari gue sejak berbulan-bulan yang lalu. Kaos itu bahannya agak tipis dan see through; itulah kenapa selama ini gue males nyobainnya. Tapi kemarin gue mau main Pump sama A, dan kaos ini + manset + rok nampak seperti kombinasi yang pas.

    As soon as I dressed up, my phone rang.

    “Halo, dengan Ibu Putri Dara yang berlangganan Indovision? Saya Rahma, Bu. Mau menawarkan program baru…”

    Pembicaraan itu berlangsung super singkat karna gue emang gak minat ikutan program apa-apa. (Gue udah cukup bahagia bisa nonton CSI di Fox Crime dan New Girl di AXN.) Tapi pembicaraan singkat itu menimbulkan kesan di otak gue: Gue harus membiasakan diri dipanggil “ibu”. Gue gak akan selamanya jadi cewek muda seksi bergairah kan?

    Gue berangkat dan ketemu A. Sebelum main Pump, dia minta anter beli sepatu dulu. Kami keliling sebuah department store di Ciwalk, milih-milih sepatu untuk A. Dia nemu satu model sepatu yang dia suka. Dan ketika kami lagi nunggu pegawai dept store itu nyari sepatu dengan ukuran yang pas, A ngeliatin gue dan bilang:

    “Kamu udah cocok jadi ibu-ibu.”


    “Maaf ya?”

    “Maaf kenapa?”

    “Maaf aku belum ngelamar kamu.”

    Perhaps I should really start referring myself as “Bu Putri Dara”.

    6 March 2013

    Setahun Kemarin

    Posted in memories by

    Bruised (acoustic) by Jacks Mannequin on Grooveshark

    (Sila dengarkan sambil baca biar lebih dapet feel-nya.)

    Kadang lucu ya? Kita suka pengen bilang “Bray… Udah setahun lho, bray? Gak kerasa, gilaaakk!!” tapi gak bisa gitu juga. Soalnya setahun itu waktu yang gak sebentar, tapi gak bisa disebut lama juga. Gak kerasa, tapi yaaa kerasa juga. Tergantung apa aja yang kamu alami selama setahun itu.

    Ah, tapi ‘detik’, ‘menit’, ‘jam’, ‘hari’, ‘minggu’, ‘bulan’, dan ‘tahun’ itu kan cuma konsep buatan manusia; hasil kesepakatan entah siapa.

    Dalam keadaan normal, aku adalah salah seorang yang menganggap kalo setahun itu cuma sebentar. Aku masih inget jaman aku galau gara-gara pacar keduaku pas SMP (yaaa walopun dulu istilah ‘galau’ itu sendiri belum sepopuler sekarang), dan voila! Tiba-tiba aja aku udah jadi mahasiswa. Enam tahun yang super singkat.

    Dan setahun yang lalu (persisnya setahun dua hari) adalah satu dari empat tanggal di tahun 2012 yang bakal selalu nempel di otakku. (Jangan tanya yang tiga lagi tanggal berapa, soalnya aku gak mau cerita. At least not today.)

    Simpelnya sih begini:
    Cinta gak akan hilang cuma gara-gara kamu gak mengakuinya. Cinta bakal tetep ada di situ, nunggu dengan sabar, sampe akhirnya kamu mau mengakui: “Ya. Aku jatuh cinta.”

    Setahun dua hari yang lalu, ketika langit ragu-ragu antara menurunkan hujan atau membiarkan matahari menyelesaikan tugasnya, aku memarkir motor di teras rumah. Aku buka pintu ruang tamu dan langsung masuk kamar, tanpa setor muka dulu sama Ibu. Aku memandangi langit utara dari jendela kamar. Ada seseorang di sana, 20 kilometer di utara, yang baru aja aku kirimin sms:

    “Padahal gak ujan lho. Ah coba tadi jadi aja nontonnya.”

    Gak lama berselang, dia bales:

    “Iya. Ah sayang banget…”

    Sms singkat itu bikin air mata yang sejak siang udah aku tahan langsung ngalir gitu aja.

    Ya. Aku jatuh cinta.

    Si Gadis “Kalem” (photo by Ririz)

    5 March 2013

    Sunday (and a Few Thoughts on Being M.I.A.)


    It was a perfect Sunday. I got to see my girls in the morning, had brunch together, had a photobooth sesh, and talked about a lot of things. Velentina and I are student teaching in the same school, whilst Lianisya and Diana are student teaching in another school, so there were a lot of things to catch up with.

    And as if that was not amazing enough, in the afternoon, I got to see my boy too. We had a small pizza together and went to play PIU game. He went to Cirebon yesterday, so we only got to spend a brief time on Saturday night. Thus, today we made it up by spending the whole afternoon together.

    I’m currently trying to catch up with my blog readers. I’ve been missing every now and then since months ago. Let’s just say that I’m finally facing blogger’s block once again. I don’t quite know what to write, partly because my life has been kinda boring lately. It has been the same routine over and over again: wake up, dress up, go to school, teach a class or two, go to see my boy/tutor a student/go to a meeting, go home, and fall asleep.

    But I’ve never gone too far from here. I’m still available on Twitter, though. Oh and Instagram too. So, if you miss me (as if!), you can follow my Twitter or my Instagram.

    I still love you guys!

    3 March 2013

    City versus Chelsea

    Posted in football, him, weekend by

    It was Super Sunday in English Premier League. A and I decided to go to Clio Cafe to watch the big match between Manchester City versus Chelsea together with both team’s supporters club. However, since I am Cinderella, we had to leave on the break time between the first and the second half-time. Chelsea also lost 2-0. But the interesting part in watching football matches together with the supporters clubs was the chants war. I had fun for the full 45 minutes.

    And of course, A wore his team, Bayern Munchen.

    26 February 2013