Awesome August

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    Awesome August on Hola Darla
    New month. Fresh start.

    I find it funny that I almost forget my new year’s resolution. It’s August already and I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing. Absolute zero. That business I started earlier this year? Dead. My attempt at blogging in Bahasa Indonesia? Also dead. My work has been a mess since that stupid thing I’ve called a laptop keeps breaking down every time I need it. I’ve decided to kick it to the curb sell it and buy another one. So here I am with a new red Dell. I hope we’re meant to be. So now I’m trying to finish a proofreading project in one sitting. Go me!

    Also, go you! For whatever thing you’re doing right now. You’re doing great. You’re awesome!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    3 August 2016

    Changing Lane

    Posted in EN, personal, this blog, Thoughts by

    Life is crazy.

    Like, the craziest thing I’ve ever done.

    I’m sad to see a lot of my favourite bloggers have started to go AWOL. The ones who’re staying have started to become unrelatable and in turns also become annoying. Remember when blogging was easier? Like when we can just write a post about what happened that day and people would just leave comments. Now it seems like every blogger is giving recycled blogging tips. Nobody seems to blog for the sake of blogging anymore. Personal blogs are no longer personal. Every blogger has LLC’d themselves and rebranded their blogs and started labeling themselves as a pro and offering expensive ‘blogging class’. It’s exhausting. I followed you because I wanted to read the posts about your cats, or your home tour, or how you turned that old coffee table into a chic ottoman. I don’t need recycled tips, I want your writings; authentic words from you.

    For months I’d been contemplating about shutting down this blog and starting fresh. New blog, new name, new platform. The plan was almost complete, but then I took a look at this blog and realise how much I loved it. This blog has been with me since I was 18 and has helped me through a lot of things. It’s been 7 years, and even though it hasn’t grown as big as I used to dream it would be, it’s big enough for me now. It’s enough.

    So like I’ve said again and again, this blog is staying. I will no longer aim at becoming a ‘big blogger’; I just want to be a ‘blogger’ right now. As simple as that. And since I started this as a personal blog, I will make this personal blog personal again.

    Now how’s that for a campaign slogan, eh?

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    27 July 2016

    I am 100%, undoubtedly, a crazy cat lady

    Posted in cats, EN, Life, personal by

    Jessi & Chop-Chop | Hola Darla
    There was a time back in elementary school when I found a little stray kitty at the school playground. Little me was sad for the poor kitty meowing around, so I took him (it was a male) to class and hid him under my desk. After school, I took him home riding an angkot (a small bus). My mother was super angry when I told her everything and sadly I had to let him go because there was no way that we could take care of him. He ended up becoming our casual pet; he roamed around the neighbourhood all day and he’d go back to our house to eat leftover food that we left for him in our backyard. Sometimes he’d nap there. When he finally grew up, he brought home a litter of kittens at one point. The kittens were his, apparently. I still don’t know about the mother. But the cats were gone one by one. I don’t know what happened to them. We eventually moved from the house.

    I’ve gone a long way from there. Now, I can’t even listen to a kitten meowing without becoming full of tears. In fact, I’m on the edge of crying everytime I see a stray cat, especially if it’s skinny. I even put cats in my prayers every night. Does anyone else do that too?

    Two weeks ago, Chop-Chop fell ill and I almost died of crying! I lost four cats during Nov ’13-Jan ’15 and the pain is something I don’t want to experience ever again. Chop-Chop’s symptoms matched those of Billy’s before he died three years ago. I was very worried when I found Chop-Chop vomitting and losing his appetite. I took him to the clinic as soon as possible and the vet told me that she couldn’t determine if it was a virus or merely a stomach bug just yet, so she gave him some antibiotics and vitamins and then I took him home. Thank goodness he got better in two days. He’s back to his old self now, chasing Jessi around and trying to fight her (she just wants to be left alone, Chops!)

    To me, losing a cat is one of the most excruciating pains in life. I cried every night for over a week when I lost Molly. I’d do anything to keep my fur babies safe, healthy, and happy.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    23 May 2016

    I’m alive!

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    Well of course I am.

    My laptop has been acting up lately. It has to be plugged into the power source all the time or it can’t be turned on. All my work and entertainment are inside that little flat bread and I’m very mobile so this situation has made me super cranky for the past month.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    29 April 2016

    Manfaat Konsumsi Sambal Terasi*

    Posted in eating, food, ID by

    Sambal Terasi | Hola Darla
    Siapa yang tidak kenal sambal terasi? Sambal terasi merupakan salah satu resep masakan tradisional yang berupa bumbu pelengkap saat makan, terkenal dan mudah ditemui di Indonesia, saat membeli pecel ayam, pecel lele, ayam penyet dll. Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa terasi merupakan komponen utama yang membedakan sambal ini dengan sambal tradisional lainnya di Indonesia. Terasi adalah hasil awetan dari ikan atau udang rebon yang diolah melalui fermentasi (penggilingan dan penjemuran yang berlangsung lama) dengan bentuk padat dan memiliki aroma tajam yang gurih. Bukan hanya terasi komponen-komponen lain yang membentuk sambal ini adalah: cabe merah, cabe rawit, tomat, gula dan jeruk limau. Cita rasa yang khas dari terasi dan sensasi pedas dari cabe merah dan cabe rawit membuat penikmat kuliner jadi ketagihan, namun selain rasanya yang lezat, ternyata sambal ini juga bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai manfaat masing-masing bahan-bahannya:

    Cabe merah
    Cabe merah mengandung vitamin A dan C, dehidrokapsaisin, carotene serta beberapa zat lainnya, yang berfungsi untuk mengobati beberapa penyakit: mengobati rheumatic, luka dan bisul serta meringankan rasa sakit kepala, mengandung antioksidan dan juga berperan dalam menghambat penuaan.

    Cabe rawit
    Cabe rawit juga mengandung banyak vitamin, seperti vit A, B6 dan vit C dan betakaroten. Dimana kandungan tersebut berkhasiat untuk: mempercepat metabolisme tubuh, membantu pertumbuhan rambut, menjaga kesehatan jantung dan membantu menurunkan berat badan serta mencegah masalah tekanan darah tinggi dan terakhir berfungsi menyembuhkan kanker.

    Terasi udang
    Mengandung jumlah protein yang banyak sehingga berfungsi bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tubuh manusia serta membantu pembentukan sel-sel jaringan baru dalam tubuh. Disamping itu bahan sambal terasi yang satu ini juga mengandung fosfor dan kalsium yang tinggi sehingga bermanfaat bagi pertumbuhan tulang dan mencegah osteoporosis.

    Buah tomat mengandung vit A dan C serta K, kalium, folat, vit B6 magnesium fosfor dan tembaga, dimana konsumsi buah tomat ini dapat menyehatkan sistem pencernaan, melindungi wajah dan kulit, memperkuat tulang serta pencegah diabetes secara alami dan pastinya menjaga kesehatan mata.

    Gula merupakan salah satu sumber energi bagi tubuh manusia sehingga gula dianggap sebagai pembangkit energi instan dan berguna untuk meningkatkan fungsi otak, disamping itu konsumsi gula pada kadar yang cukup akan menyembuhkan seseorang dari perasaan depresi.

    Jeruk limau
    Kandungan vitamin C dalam jeruk limau berfungsi sebagai antioksidan yang diyakini bisa melawan penyakit-penyakit berbahaya seperti jantung, stroke dan kanker. Disamping itu juga bermanfaat bagi orang-orang yang berniat untuk menurunkan berat badan, karena bagus untuk pencernaan kandungan jeruk limau berguna untuk mengatasi masalah sembelit serta mengatur kembali gerakan usus dan menyembuhkan luka-luka yang berhubungan dengan sembelit.

    Dari semua komponen tersebut diolah menjadi sambal yang mengandung kira-kira 147 kalori, 30 gr protein, 3.5 g lemak, 3.5 g karbohidrat dan kalsium sebanyak 100 mg serta fosfor 250 gr. Berdasarkan kandungan tersebut bisa dilihat bahwa unsur kalsium yang tinggi sebanyak 100 mg dapat menjaga kesehatan tulang bagi yang mengkonsumsinya, bukan hanya itu kandungan protein sebanyak 30 gr juga membantu pembentukan sel-sel baru di dalam tubuh. Selain baik untuk tulang konsumsi makanan kaya kalsium seperti dapat membantu kadar kolesterol dalam darah.

    Itulah manfaat konsumsi sambal terasi bagi kesehatan. Tidak hanya lezat dan murah, ternyata sambal juga mengandung banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan lho! Karena itu, cintailah kuliner tradisional milik bangsa sendiri. Semoga postingan ini bermanfaat. Baca juga berbagai resep masakan tradisional dan modern di resep masakan terbaru ðŸ™‚

    Image adapted from here.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    31 March 2016