Weekend Links

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    Weekend Links | Hola Darla
    The weather isn’t too friendly this week. I’ve been having a fair amount of cold so I take it slow this week, and therefore I have quite a lot of time to peruse the internet & catch up with some of my favourite blogs. I guess this is what I really need; to take things slow & not push myself too hard. I still have several projects to tackle down, but hey! At least it’s Saturday. And on Saturdays we are allowed to forget our work for a little while and have some fun!


    Don’t forget to have fun this weekend!

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    12 November 2016

    Beli Laptop dengan Voucher dan Cashback dari ShopBack? Anything’s Possible!*

    Udah beberapa bulan terakhir laptop Mas Apip yang udah uzur itu semakin menunjukkan tanda-tanda penuaan. Bodinya udah luntur, CD tray udah gak bisa dibuka, speaker udah gak nyala, tuts di keyboard udah ada yang rontok. Antara sedih & pengen ngakak ngeliatnya. Mas Apip mah penyabar sih, kalo aku mah laptop nge-hang dikit udah merengek minta ganti *tutup muka*

    Jadi katanya Mas Apip pengen beli yang baru. Yang mantep buat ngerjain projek kodingannya. Pengen yang RAM-nya 4GB, yang prosesornya begini begitu, yang bisa dimasukin CD, yang udah USB 3.0, gitu-gitu deh pokoknya mah. Biar praktis, belinya pengen online aja, biar tinggal klik & ongkang-ongkang kaki, tapi barang nyampe.

    Pas lagi begini, eh aku nemu satu website yang namanya ShopBack. ShopBack bukan website e-commerce, jadi mereka gak jualan barang. Tapi mereka ngasih kita voucher dan cashback hingga 30% kalo kita belanja di website e-commerce yang udah kerja sama dengan mereka. Terus uang cashback tersebut bisa dicairkan dengan cara transfer ke rekening bank pribadi. Dan ternyata nih hampir semua e-commerce yang kita kenal udah kerja sama lho dengan ShopBack, kayak Zalora, Lazada, Tokopedia, BukaLapak, MatahariMall, Elevenia, Blibli, Agoda, Tiket.com, sampe Uber segala pun ada. Belum lagi situs luar negeri kayak eBay sama AliExpress. Wow banget pokoknya mah!

    Dapat cashback dari ShopBack | Hola Darla

    Cara pakenya juga ternyata gampang banget. Kita tinggal log in aja ke website ShopBack pake akun Facebook. Abis itu, laman utamanya nunjukin e-commerce mana aja yang ngasih cashback. Berhubung aku udah langganan belanja di Lazada, jadi aku coba-coba deh cek promo Lazada terbaru di sini. Muncul deh laman yang ngejelasin berapa persen cashback yang bisa aku dapatkan. Pas kita mau mulai belanja, klik Belanja Sekarang.
    Belanja di Lazada dapat cashback dari ShopBack | Hola Darla
    Nanti kita akan dibawa ke laman utama website e-commerce yang tadi kita pilih. Nah sekarang kita tinggal belanja aja kayak biasa. Aku coba cariin laptop yang sesuai sama keinginannya Mas Apip. Setelah liat beberapa tipe, pilihan akhirnya jatuh ke laptop merek HP. Masukin keranjang, check out, bayar, dan konfirmasi. Udah deh! Kita tinggal tunggu barang kita sampe ke rumah & dalam waktu 48 jam cashback akan masuk ke akun ShopBack kita. Laptopnya dapet, cashback-nya dapet juga. Suami bahagia, istri ceria! XD
    Suami bahagia hehe | Hola Darla
    Praktis banget pake ShopBack ini. Selain bisa langsung akses website-nya via laptop, kita juga bisa download app-nya yang udah ada di Google PlayStore & Apple App Store. Sekarang mah belanja enak banget, sambil goleran di depan TV juga bisa belanja. Hihihihi…


    Belanja Cermat dan Hemat? ShopBack-in Aja!

    PS. Bakal ada Online Revolution lho bulan ini. Dapatkan promo Online Revolution di sini.

    9 November 2016

    My November Goals

    Posted in EN, Life, personal by

    Jessi and Chop-Chop the Cats | Hola Darla
    Is it too late to write my November goals? I’ve never done this before, writing monthly goals, but seing that my life is such a mess right now, I think it may help a bit to write down specific goals for this month. So even though it’s already the sixth of November, here are my goals for this month.

    Keep working out regularly. My gym membership expired yesterday. I don’t know whether I’m gonna re-apply or not. Those sparks of energy to go to the gym disappeared about two weeks ago. Regular workouts have lifted me up mentally, so I know that I need them, but going to the gym & sticking to the classes’ schedule have been hard for me (the gym is like an hour away from home). My goal is to keep working out, at least go running once a week.

    Finish off current projects and decline project offers that I don’t wanna do. I don’t know why exactly, but lately I’ve become a yes person. I need to start saying ‘no’ more. I’ve kept accepting projects and then become overwhelmed. (And whenever I feel overwhelmed, I tend to procrastinate; it’s in my DNA.)

    Catch up with lotsa TV series. Elementary and Agents of SHIELD, mainly. Also, I need to start watching Stranger Things, Westworld, and Outlander. I heard they are good?

    Catch up with lotsa comic series. Because srsly!

    AND catch up with lotsa books. I rarely read anymore and it makes me sad 🙁

    PLUS catch up with my favourite blogs. If I used to comment on every single post on your blog but then completely stopped doing that, chances are it’s not your fault; it’s mine.

    My goals are pretty achievable, no? I hope I can reach them all. The year is almost over yet I feel like I haven’t really done anything.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    6 November 2016


    Posted in EN, personal by

    Is it selfish to just stop doing what I no longer enjoy doing? To severe the ties with people I no longer enjoy seeing?

    Lately I’ve been feeling like I’m drowning. Meeting people drains my energy. I want to live by the rules of “Do more of what makes you happy”, even if what makes me happy is being alone and isolating myself. Is that okay? Or is that selfish?

    I want to run.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    3 November 2016

    German Cinema 2016

    German Cinema 2016 | Hola Darla
    For the past couple of years, German Cinema has been one of our most anticipated annual festivals. We first found out about the festival in 2013 when we ‘accidently’ stumbled across it when we were buying tickets for a movie in Blitzmegaplex Paris Van Java. We completely missed the festival in 2014, but last year we managed to see 6 out of the 9 movies they screened. This year, German Cinema 2016 brought 9 more movies for us to watch, free of charge. I watched 6 of them and Afief watched 7.

    Just like last year, the festival was also held for 3 days in Ciwalk XXI. The ticket box was opened about an hour before each film started. It gets more and more crowded each year. I think it might be good if they found another venue for next year; with bigger theater and more seats, perhaps?
    German Cinema 2016 in Bandung | Hola Darla
    Afief and Dara going to see German Cinema 2016 in Bandung | Hola Darla
    The six movies I watched were:

    But among them, my favourites are Victoria and Lenalove.

    Victoria (2015) tells a story about a young Spanish woman who has just come to Berlin three months ago. She works a low paying job and barely speaks German. She meets a bunch of guys outside a club. They seem nice and one of them flirts heavily with her and she decides to hang out with them before she has to work the following morning. What starts as a fun early morning ends with  a gunfight and blood.
    Lenalove is a story of broken friendship, bullying, social media, and how adults’ problem affects their children. Lena and Nicole are neighbours and used to be BFFs. Now Nicole hangs out with Stella, a typical teenaged bully, and Lena finds a new friend, Noah, through her social media. Lena confides in Noah about a lot of personal things, not realising who Noah really is.

    This festival kind of makes me wish there were more countries willing to create this kind of festival. There are a few film festivals currently being held by CGV, namely the Koreans and Japanese ones, but they are merely festivals held by CGV and not directly supported by the countries’ government.

    Dara | Bloglovin’ | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

    18 October 2016