Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs

Posted in EN, Friendship, Life, married life by

Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs | Hola Darla
I used to have this strong belief: “Getting married won’t change a thing; having kids will.” As long as there were still the two of us (well, three if you count Jess), we would be able to live our lives just like we had done before getting married. The only change is that we live together now.

Alas, that is not always the case. As much as I want to be the same person I was before my wedding day, I’ve changed. I’ve changed in more ways than I know.
Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs | Hola Darla
Being in a group chat with my girls is no longer the same. We used to talk a lot about heartbreaks. We were a bunch of single, independent ladies who had been BFFs since high school. We had shared a lot of relationship’s ups and downs. Now that I’m married, I feel like an outsider whenever they talk about heartbreaks. I occasionally have my share of heartbreaks too, but not the same kind as their heartbreaks. I feel odd being the only married person among single ladies.
Being the First to Get Married among Your BFFs | Hola Darla
Friendship feels strange nowadays. I know that friends drift away and it’s inevitable, but I never thought that it would happen so clearly before my eyes. Thankfully my husband and I share some friends, so we still get to hang out with them every now and then.

Don’t get me wrong. Married life is so, so fun! But it also comes with a price. It’s been almost nine months, but there are still a lot to figure out. It’s an adventure I won’t trade for any other thing 🙂

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11 September 2015
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